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Veuillez vous inscrire pour avoir acces au document. Quel autre songe prophetique charlemagne atil fait. Seule saragosse resiste, tenue par le roi musulman marsile. The poems probable author was a norman poet, turold, whose name is introduced in its last line. Cette longue epopee est le plus ancien texte litteraire parvenu jusqua nous redige en langue francaise. Creato con power point ed esportato in formato video. It is the oldest surviving major work of french literature and exists in various manuscript versions, which testify to its enormous and enduring popularity in the 12th to 14th centuries.

Lancien francais est a michemin entre le latin et le francais moderne. Student edition oxford text and english translation english and french edition by gerard j. The poems probable author was a norman poet, turold, whose name. Depuis sept ans, le valeureux roi des francs, charlemagne, est en guerre contre les sarrasins.

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